Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Billy Crystal

How is Billy Crystal hosting the Oscars? Sure, mostly old people watch the telecast, and sure, mostly old people think Billy Crystal is funny. But seriously! He hasn't done anything worth mentioning in recent memory. And, in fact, he hasn't done much worth mentioning ever. When Harry Met Sally is a bland, only mildly entertaining knockoff of every Woody Allen movie ever made. City Slickers is alright.

I'm not going to talk about relevancy. The Oscars don't seem concerned with remaining relevant to a new generation (despite last year's host experiment). But dredging up an old, burned out actor just seems so pointless.


  1. Wasn't he, like, the main event in The Princess Bride? And isn't that movie so loved that it's always relevant...?

  2. Rose, touche. I had forgotten about that movie. And it definitely is very beloved. To be fair, though, even after you mentioned it I couldn't remember what role he played, or that he was in it. I think that's because I haven't seen it since I was a kid, and at that time the sword fighting was the most interesting thing to me.
