Monday, June 8, 2009

Electron Deception Casserole

Today in band practice I realized that Electron Deception is very much like a casserole.  Specifically, we’re a lasagna. This metaphor emerged while we were trying to pare down one of our songs to make it more interesting.  Thus, Ryan’s keyboard parts are similar to noodles before they go into the lasagna; though they make up large part of the finished product, they’re not so great uncook and/or on their own.  Laura’s vocals are kind of like sauce: not the biggest part in terms of volume (I mean space, not decibels), but perhaps the most responsible for the lasagna’s flavor.  My drumming is similar to the hamburger (it’s a ground-beef lasagna).  Its kind of rough but punctuates the dish with different textures.  This leaves the bass as the cheese.  Unfortunately we’re without a bass player, but when Chris gets here, we’ll hopefully be a delicious band.  


  1. Jim.

    I just started reading your blog. You are invariably cool. As in, I like you (and Laura) so much. My favorite so far? The Fictional Cafe. Genius.

  2. I love the analogy!

    I must admit though--I'm extremely partial to cheese. I wouldn't go near a lasagna without it.

  3. Kathy, nor would I. I would even question calling it a lasagna without the cheese. hopefully we're not that lacking as a band with out bass, but we'll definitely be a lot better with it.
